Good new-ts at Clee Hill
MQP has today been granted a licence from Natural England to relocate Great Crested Newts at the company's quarry at Clee Hill, Ludlow, Shropshire.
MQP was granted permission to expand quarrying operations and as part of the process, the company will ensure that the newts are carefully moved and looked after. Four newt ponds, with two specially created, will provide an ideal habitat for the newts and a range of other species to thrive.
The company has been planning the operation for months and working very closely with Natural England and SLR Consulting, the company's environmental consultants, to translocate the colony of around 100 newts so they are protected.
Hugh McGuigan, Quarry Manager at Clee Hill said: "We are very pleased that Natural England has today granted us the licence to move the newts. Their new home will be safe for them to thrive in and hopefully expand still further."
Chris Mitchell of SLR said: "With the granting of the licence, we can now set about moving this protected species to the new purpose built ponds which are well established having been constructed several months ago.”

Newt ponds provide an ideal habitat for the newts and a range of other species to thrive..

Newt ponds provide an ideal habitat for the newts and a range of other species to thrive..

Newt ponds provide an ideal habitat for the newts and a range of other species to thrive..

Newt ponds provide an ideal habitat for the newts and a range of other species to thrive..