MQP – Supporting Local Communities
MQP is keen to support local community projects; this can range from donations of raffle prizes for various fayres/shows, monetary donations to fund community events, sponsoring sports kits for local teams, sponsoring individuals who are raising money for local charities to providing material for construction of new facilities or to improve current ones.
So far this year MQP have enjoyed supporting many projects, here are a few you may know about.
We donated material to Swannington Primary School for a new SPACE Project – Eco Classroom. We have also recently provided more material to the Whitwick Scout Group, this time it was used for drainage under the new grass area and to lay the car park around the newly built Scout Hut. (pictured are our JCB Contractor Kamile and Diane Lackenby from Whitwick Scouts). We have also donated material to Clee Hill Rugby Club for their car parking area.

MQP – Supporting Local Communities.

MQP – Supporting Local Communities.

MQP – Supporting Local Communities.

MQP – Supporting Local Communities.