Whitwick Blasting notification
We’ve launched a blast notification text service for Whitwick quarry so that local people can be informed about our blasting programme and receive notifications ahead of each blast.
The free service includes a weekly update setting out planned blast times for the calendar month ahead, plus a follow up notification approximately half an hour before each blast takes place.
The way in which a quarry blast is experienced can be shaped by a number of factors including, geology; vibration; air pressure, frequency and even the weather. The UK has stringent regulatory controls in place and all blasts at Whitwick quarry are fully in line with these regulations and well within the parameters stipulated in our planning and permitting consents. Operating within these standards, as we do at all our quarries, means that there is no risk of structural damage to nearby homes or buildings.
We want to reassure the local community about our approach to blasting and all residents have to do to sign up to the blast notification service is email us at Whitwickquarryenquiries@mqp.co.uk with mobile phone details.
Full details of MQP’s privacy policy and how personal data is processed is available at: www.mqp.co.uk/en/privacy-policy.
Subscribers can opt out at any time by contacting us at Whitwickquarryenquiries@mqp.co.uk